“You have to learn how to listen to your body, going with it and not against it, avoiding all effort or strain. You will be amazed to discover that, if you are kind to your body, it will respond in an incredible way.”
I’m Sophie and this incredible quote from inspirational yoga teacher Vanda Scaravelli sums up my experience of working with clients over the past 20 years. Clients come to me when they are in pain, exhausted, fed up, de-motivated or stuck or all of the above! The first steps to healing are to accept where you are and then to find some kindness for yourself. My passion is to help you prioritise your own self-care so you can create the space and energy you need to create and live the life you want. Welcome to a little bit about me.
I am a fully qualified and insured Massage Therapist, Reflexologist, Life Coach and Yoga Teacher. I support people who are fed up of juggling life and who still end up at the bottom of their own (extremely long and seemingly infinite) To Do list!
I have been working with touch since 1996 when I undertook my first professional training in Reflexology. I went on to train in all sorts of different massage techniques including Swedish, Thai, Indian Head, Japanese Facial and Reiki – in fact, I became a bit of a course junkie because I was constantly looking for something that felt like it made a real difference to me and to my clients.
In 2007 I discovered the incredible work of Gerry Pyves and NO HANDS ® Massage and I finally felt like I was working the way I had always wanted to. I spent 13 years working closely with Gerry. As part of his trainer team I was a Lead Trainer for advanced NO HANDS courses around the UK, and as a Master Therapist I ran support and guidance sessions for individual Massage students.
I am fascinated by how our mind impacts our body and how our body reflects what we are feeling and thinking. As a UKCP registered psychotherapist Gerry Pyves first introduced me to the phenomenal work of Eric Berne as part of my Master training. Transactional Analysis now plays a huge role in how I work with all my clients. In 2016 I took this passion further and trained with the Animas Centre for Coaching in their Accredited Diploma of Transformational Coaching and I now combine a person-centred approach to coaching with deep, powerful, flowing bodywork.
In 2015 I suffered burn out and had to stop working for several months. It gave me time to re-evaluate my priorities, which was when I realised that I wasn’t one of them, and hadn’t been for some time! I also realised that if I wanted things to change it was down to me to change them. Rebuilding my health and energy in a sustainable way became my priority. I discovered that it is the small and simple changes that can really make a difference to how I experience my energy and my life.
I believe we were born to grow, expand and flow through life with ease and freedom, but it is up to us to create our own space to allow this to happen. I invite you to work with me to discover what it is you want in your life, and to provide yourself with the strength, energy and motivation to go and get it. Your life is in your hands. If you don’t take control of it, who will?
I believe in the highest standard of client care. All of my work is non-judgemental, supportive and client-centred. Nothing happens without your consent and every step of the way you are in control.
I work from my home in Brierley, Leominster HR6 0NU in the beautiful Herefordshire/Welsh borders. I would love to meet you here one day.
NHM Association Master Therapist
Animas Accredited Diploma in Coach Training
Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher